137, rue de l’université 75007 Paris, France   (+33) 171 255 137


A generalist interim management and emergency recruitment firm, we are Transformation Angels.

We provide services for all key functions of the organisation.

With profiles combining high-level expertise and soft skills, experience and freshness of vision. Leaders concerned about their impact, capable of exploring new avenues and instilling a sustainable vision. Capable of unleashing the full potential of your business and your teams.

3 expert offers dedicated to key transformation functions

Our exclusive expertise in General Management, CEO or Director profiles, with or without corporate mandates, in strategic assignments, interim management, situation audits or permanent contracts.


The no. 1  address book in France for senior HR executives and managers, in interim management or on permanent contracts.

Our expertise dedicated to the profiles of professions with an impact on the sustainable economy, CSR and the ecological transition.



We don’t recommend the same people because we don’t ask the same questions

More than an interim management and emergency recruitment firm, we are sparring partners. We believe that an open, creative and humanistic approach to management and leadership, with less of a focus on CVs and more on unique personalities and their ability to take a step aside, makes it possible to strengthen the team and to solve complex problems.

customer references

Our client’s trust is a key value




How does interim management work? What are the benefits?

Interim management is an innovative and secure solution for companies in immediate need of high-level operational talent. Calling on the services of an interim manager or executive means entrusting an assignment or project lasting from a few days to a few months to an experienced and available external professional. In this way, it helps companies to take a decisive step forward with a fresh outlook.

At a time when companies are in urgent need of transformation, even more so since the health crisis, interim management meets their need for flexibility and new ideas. With a qualified recommendation time of around 48 hours, it is an effective alternative to the search for rare talent by traditional recruitment agencies.


Réseau 137 news



Avez-vous toutes les ressources nécessaires pour piloter les projets
de la rentrée ?

Tout l’été, Réseau 137 reste à vos côtés.
Nos dirigeants sont disponibles pour prendre en main vos projets partout en France et à l’international, sur toutes les fonctions clés de tous secteurs, pour une mission ou pour la vie.

#ManagementDeTransition #RecrutementdUrgence


Avez-vous toutes les ressources nécessaires pour piloter les projets
de la rentrée ?

Difficultés de recrutement : les entreprises pointent “le rapport au travail des jeunes générations”

#travail #entreprises #recrutement

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